Early Learning Center

CCAMPIS Application

University Of Delaware CCAMPIS Application – Supplemental ELC Application

UD student-parent applicants are considered for child care assistance through Childcare Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) funding on the basis of eligibility status, financial income, need resources and family contribution levels. After completing the ELC application for your child(ren) please fully complete the following supplemental form.

Before beginning this supplemental application – Please check below agreeing that you have completed and submitted the ELC Enrollment Application.(Required)
If you have not completed this please complete the form at https://www.elc.udel.edu/application-form/

Eligibility Guidelines for the CCAMPIS Program

Undergraduate students must be receiving a Pell Grant or be Pell Grant eligible based on the Expected Family Contribution. A FAFSA must be completed and on file with the University of Delaware Office of Financial Aid.(Required)
Graduate/Professional students who are enrolled full time at University of Delaware (UD) may be eligible to receive CCAMPIS assistance pending verification of eligibility and Expected Family Contribution on the FAFSA report.(Required)
I need to take a summer course in order to maintain continuous enrollment for my child at the ELC.(Required)
The link for the free application for the FAFSA is https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. Please complete using the institutional code for the University of Delaware, 001431. This needs to be completed and on file with UD for CCAMPIS application to be considered.(Required)
Child care services for the University of Delaware CCAMPIS program must be provided at the UD Early Learning Center (ELC) and is contingent on space availability.(Required)

Personal Information Of Parent Affiliated with UD

Name of Parent Affiliated with UD(Required)
Race/Ethnicity of hte parent/guardian who is a full-time UD Student(Required)
Gender of the parent/guardian who is a full-time UD student(Required)
Household Status(Required)
Are any of the child's parents veterans or members of the military?(Required)

UD Parent's School Information

Current Student Status(Required)
Have you completed a FAFSA form for the current academic year?(Required)
Are you currently receiving a Pell Grant?(Required)

CCAMPIS Letter of Agreement

In order to receive the CCAMPIS grant assistance for child care services, ALL CCAMPIS recipients must complete all program requirements within the academic year in order to continue receiving services. Please initial that you have read, understand and agree to the following
I understand that the goal of the CCAMPIS program is the assist me with child care expenses so that I can remain enrolled at UD, and persist towards earning my degree.(Required)
My participation in the program is dependent upon my successful completion of semester credits on a consistent basis towards earning my degree.(Required)
If I drop classes during any given semester and fall below full-time status, I agree to contact the CCAMPIS Family Support Specialist immediately.(Required)
I understand I am immediately responsible for 100% of all child care fees charged by the center if I withdraw as a student from UD.(Required)
I understand that there will be ongoing evaluation of the CCAMPIS program and I will have opportunities to participate and share feedback.(Required)
I understand I am required to meet with the CCAMPIS Family Support Specialist at least once for orientation and a child and family needs assessment.(Required)
I understand and give permission for the UD Early Learning Center to access my personal financial and academic information through the UD Student Financial Aid and Registrar’s Office to determine eligibility for enrollment in the CCAMPIS program.(Required)
I understand that aggregate information, but no personal information, will be shared with the U.S. Department of Education in Washington D.C., which funds this program.(Required)
I agree to complete a post UD graduation survey, even after my child is no longer receiving services at the ELC pertaining to program evaluation including but not limited to my employment, income, and quality of care/services.(Required)
I have read and understand the attached guidelines and hereby certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand and accept the obligations of the program and will provide a written report to the CCAMPIS Family Support Specialist of any changes in the information provided on this application within 10 days of the change. If I do not, I understand that I am financially responsible for all child care tuition costs charged by the Early Learning Center. Changes may include, but are not limited to my UD enrollment, credit hours, and UD financial aid status.(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Items to Submit Checklist

The following items should be submitted in PDF format
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 4 GB.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 4 GB.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 4 GB.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 4 GB.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 4 GB.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 4 GB.